How to Hack

So you want to begin downloading free psp games from Well you are going to need Custom Firmware meaning a hacked PSP. Follow this guide to get Custom Firmware!

Pandora and Magic Memory Stick

If you want to get custom firmware you will need a Magic Memory Stick and a pandora battery. To obtain these follow this guide.

  1. Make it yourself (very hard)
  2. Buy a Pandora Battery and MMS (easy!)

Create a Magic MemoryStick (if you don't have one)

To get a MMS you will need to download Total Newbi Installer then you need to follow the onscreen instructions (a small capacity memory card is required). At the end pick "universal unbricker"

Using them together

Now that you have both a MMS and a Pandora Battery put them into your psp, turn it on and click "X" now it should begin downloading, when it is done it will turn off, if it does not turn off then just wait 5 minutes to be sure. When you turn it on again you will have custom firmware! Congrats!!!

Now what?

Now you can either start downloading games, Visit the how to download page for help, or earn more points from gaming lagoon and get more free stuff (if you took the free way)!